Corporation Innovation Index Questionnaire

CII Factor Definition List

Please determine the relative importance of factors affecting the current competence and performance of corporate innovation.


CII Factor


1 Company Culture Company culture is defined as specific collection of values and norms that are shared by people and groups in an organization and that control the way they interact with each other and with stakeholders outside the organization. The measures as used are transparency, encouragement, mission statement, risk management and openness.
2 Market Environment The market environment refers to all external factors, which directly or indirectly influence the organization’s decisions related to market activities. The measures as used are government funding, innovation policy and competitive environment.
3 Organization Resources Organizational resources were defined as “the organizational aspects of a job that are functional in achieving work goals, could reduce job demands and their associated physiological and psychological costs, and, finally, could stimulate personal growth, learning, and development. The measures as used are data competency, tangible resources, intangible assets and employee training and development.
4 Leadership Leadership is one or more people who selects, equips, trains, and influences one or more follower(s) who have diverse gifts, abilities, and skills and focuses the follower(s) to the organization’s mission and objectives causing the follower(s) to willingly and enthusiastically expend spiritual, emotional, and physical energy in a concerted coordinated effort to achieve the organizational mission and objectives. The measures as used are empowerment/execution, innovation strategy and organization structure.
5 Digital Transformation Digital transformation refers to the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how the company operate and deliver value to customers.
6 Collaboration Collaboration refers to the company’s ability to function within teams, communicate across departments and evaluate the quality of internal and external partnerships.
7 Talents Management Talent Management is the strategic management of the flow of talent through an organization. Its purpose is to assure that a supply of talent is available to align the right people with the right jobs at the right time based on strategic business objectives.
8 Feedback and Validation Feedback and Validation are separated into internal and external. Internal feedback refers to company regularly collects/shares feedback with employees. External feedback refers to company regularly collects/shares feedback with both business partners and customers.
9 Commercialization Commercialization is defined as a process of developing new ideas and/or research output into commercial products or services and putting them on the market. In this context we refer to process of developing new innovation ideas and commercializing it into products or services.
10 Business Performance Business Performance is measured in terms of profitability, customer satisfaction, ecosystem impact and employee satisfaction.
11 Intellectual Outcome Intellectual outcome or Intellectual property (IP) is a category of property that includes intangible creations of the human intellect. The measures we used are trademarks, patents, knowledge contribution, new products and new services.
12 Business Model Enhancement Business model enhancement is defined as an improvement in the representation of a firm’s underlying core logic and strategic choices for creating and capturing value within a value network. The measures we used are product transformation, service transformation, marketing innovation and organization transformation.
13 Sustainability Impacts Innovation result on activities have created sustainable positive impact in carbon emission.


Phone: (852) 3943 8772



Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material / event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission, or the General Support Programme Vetting Committee of the Innovation and Technology Fund.