中國營商管理(以下課程內容只提供英文版本) This program is open to companies, universities or institutes to reserve the whole program for their staff or students. Please contact us for a tailored solution to meet your unique challenges. Medium of Instruction: English Venue: Executive...
Leadership Development Program
領導力潛能發展(以下课程内容只提供英文版本) This program is designed for companies to provide education for their staff members. We recommend company representative, human resources department or training department of your company to discuss with us and arrange a tailored program for...
Capitalizing on Your Brand
品牌管理(以下課程內容只提供英文版本) Medium of Instruction: CantoneseVenue: Executive Education Suite, 1/F, Cheng Yu Tung Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Program Fee:- HK$13,600 - Early Bird : HK$12,600Remarks: CUHK/CUSCS/APIB Alumni can enjoy a 15% discount on the...
Innovation and Creativity for Growth
企業創新思維(以下課程內容只提供英文版本) Innovation and creativity for growth have been critical to the company’s long-term success nowadays. It is therefore crucial for executives to incubate an innovative and creative mindset and the ability to put these ideas into action. This...
Systems Thinking and Creative Problem Solving
數碼科技與商業領導力(以下課程內容只提供英文版本) Medium of Instruction: Cantonese supplemented with EnglishVenue: Executive Education Suite, 1/F, Cheng Yu Tung Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Program Fee: - HK$13,600 - Early Bird : HK$12,600 Remarks: CUHK/CUSCS/APIB Alumni can...
Programs for Young Entrepreneurs
香港中文大學「從商業創新到上市之路」課程香港中文大學「從商業創新到上市之路」課程爲企業家提供實用和前瞻的營商培訓,增强面對市場競爭和駕馭市場的應變能力。項目以企業創新和企業融資爲主題,通過現代企業管理學的知識和案例分析,提升參加學員企業創新和轉型的能力和企業融資知識、爲成長型企業實施創新發展戰略。課程目標課程針對企業家及企業高層管理人員, 旨為企業培養創新轉型和企業融資通才,達成以下目標: 加強對商業創新思維的理解,提高對未來挑戰與機會的洞悉力; 瞭解品牌營銷的經營管理,為企業成長作更充分的準備;...
Open Programmes
Open Programmes
China Immersion Programme
China Immersion content
Program for Young Talents
青年精英培訓課程Business Academy for Young Talent is set up for business programs organized to offer a unique opportunity to top-tier college students in China to develop themselves on a truly international platform. With integrating business disciplines in commerce, finance...
Family Business Program
家族傳承與創新課程 課程宗旨 家族傳承與創新課程旨在幫助家族企業精英管理者和未來的傳承者開拓視野,了解歐美、亞洲以及港澳台家族企業的發展過程,學習他們在動蕩的商業環境中迎接挑戰、改革創新、頑強生存的同時持續發展傳承的秘笈。香港是中西方文化交流和國際商業中心,資深家族企業亦對社會起著不可估量的影響;大中華知名家族企業的經驗與教訓將是中國家族企業的絕佳借鑒。...