平台革新與突破课程介紹(课程详细内容请参考英文版本)Return to English version for more details课程内容 第一天 第二天 1. 颠覆性平台商业模式 - 平台的支配地位- 新的竞争格局- 营销 4.0 5. 从传统产品公司转型至平台 - 我们应该成为平台吗?- 从产品到平台- 与平台的合作与竞争 2. 平台的主要概念 - 价值链与规模经济- 网络效应与生态圈- 开放式创新与价值共创 6. 平台治理 - 监管机构和政策制定者- 社会贡献者- 数据私隐和知识产权...
Transparency in Artificial Intelligence
金融科技研讨会 – 人工智慧的透明性(课程详细内容请参考英文版本)
AI & Big Data Experiential Workshop for Executives
人工智能和大数据体验工作坊(课程详细内容请参考英文版本)Return to English version for more details
The Power Duo of AI & Big Data Programme
人工智能与大数据 课程介绍(课程详细内容请参考英文版本) Return to English version for more details课程内容 第一天 第二天 1. 主要概念 - 商业智能- 人工智能和大数据- 设计思维与人工智能/大数据 5. 人工智能和数据驱动组织 - 战略与领导 - 挑战与关键成功因素 - 人才和能力 2. 人工智能与大数据创新 - 商业模式 - 应用- 数据货币化 6. 人工智能與大數據項目管理 - 项目始创与选择策略- 文化与过程- 立案与投资回报...
Corporate Innovation & Intrapreneurship Programme
Corporate Innovation & IntrapreneurshipProgramme Overview The Era of Digital Economy Up to early 2021, 9 out of the top 10 companies in the world by market capitalisation are tech companies. What is the secret recipe of their success? These leaders have been...
Establishment of a Corporate Innovation Index
编制「企业创新指数」借创科推动香港经济发展The Kick-Off Ceremony...
From Design Thinking to Agile Product Development
From Design Thinking to Agile Product Development Programme Overview Prof. Suen is a brilliant speaker who is very knowledgeable, presentable and flexible in conveying ideas and knowledge. His presentation is interesting and inspiring. He delivered many up-to-date...
Kickoff Session of the Establishment of a Corporate Innovation Index (Live)
Kickoff Session of the Establishment of a Corporate Innovation Index (Live) Online Seminar Cum Kickoff Session Of Energizing The Hong Kong Economy With Innovation In The Digital Age Through The Establishment Of A Corporate Innovation Index (Live-Testing) Guest of...
Role of API and Data in FinTech Ecosystem
金融科技研討會 – Role of API and Data in FinTech Ecosystem On 31 March 2021, the CUHK Fintech Webinar gathered over 150 participants to share about the importance of open API, how the industry leverage open platform and reinforcing the FinTech Collaboration . Watch the video...
Strategic Thinking For Value Creation And New Initiatives
Strategic Thinking For Value Creation And New Initiatives Self-Paced Online Programme For Executives Strategic Thinking For Value Creation And New Initiatives The importance of strategic thinking and planning for value creation to customers, stakeholders and the...