CUHK Business School Youth Online Courses Learning With University Students Across The Globe Right At Your Home CUHK Business School Online Courses offer university students and recent university graduates of any academic background in anywhere to meet and learn with...
CUHK Business School Youth Online Courses
CUHK Business School Youth Online Courses Learning With University Students Across The Globe This Summer Right At Your Home CUHK Business School Summer Online Courses offer university students and recent university graduates of any academic background in anywhere to...
Intercultural Communication
Intercultural CommunicationLearning With University Students Across The Globe Right At Your Home CUHK Business School Youth Online Courses offer university students and recent university graduates of any academic background in anywhere to meet and learn with...
Webinar : Cyber Identity and Digital Assets in a Roller Coaster Market
金融科技研讨会 – Cyber Identity and Digital Assets in a Roller Coaster MarketSpeaker : Ms. Frankie TAM, International Technology Lawyer Date : 6 May 2020 (Wed) Time : 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Language: English Venue: Online via Zoom Fee: Free Registration. A...
Digital Leadership Series for Executives
數碼領導力系列 The courses help me build up my knowledge in the digital economy. I can exchange views on the latest developments in digital technology with Dr. Charm and senior executives from different industries. Also, I can obtain market insights from various guest...
International Residency Programme
国际交流合作项目 亚太工商研究所积极扮演中国与世界各地的桥樑角色。努力促进中国企业国际化,同时致力深化国际对中国的认识和了解,打破彼此间的营商隔阂。 国际交流合作项目集中拓展国内与海外学术机构合作,提供通往中国营商或国际化的平台。项目历年来吸引了欧洲、亚洲、北美及南美地区多所高等院校参加,相继派送其工商管理硕士生或本科生来港学习交流,部分院校更把项目列入其课程的必修学科。...
Seminar: The Digital Evolution of Private Markets and Their Importance for Innovation-Driven Growth Economies
金融科技研讨会 – The Digital Evolution of Private Markets and Their Importance for Innovation-Driven Growth Economies On 25 March 2020, the CUHK Fintech Webinar gathered over 100 participants to explore the digital evolution of private markets and their importance for...
Webinar on Impact Investment
「创效投资」线上讲座Webinar On Impact InvestmentHow would impact investment add value to your investment portfolio? How can impact ventures work with impact investors? Investors in recent days become more interested in looking for investments that could address social and...
Seminar: The Digital Evolution of Private Markets and Their Importance for Innovation-Driven Growth Economies
金融科技研讨会 – The Digital Evolution of Private Markets and Their Importance for Innovation-Driven Growth EconomiesThe Digital Evolution Of Private Markets And Their Importance For Innovation-Driven Growth EconomiesSpeaker : Dr. Florian M. Spiegl, Co-Founder & COO,...
Impact Investment Seminar & Workshop
「创效投资」讲座及工作坊Seminar On Impact Investment(Postponed until further notice) How would impact investment add value to your investment portfolio? How can impact ventures work with impact investors? Investors in recent days become more interested in looking for investments...